Discussion nights

In the midst of all opinions, perspectives, and facts, it is hard to distinguish the one from the other. The complexity of sustainability as a societal issue occupies the mind of many a concerned world citizen. Without a common frame of reference, it is difficult to make a change for oneself and for society. This also goes for us, members of Team Energy. In spite of all our enthusiasm, effort, and good intentions, we do not feel in control over the situation. We are troubled with many questions. How grave is the situation? Why are politicians and companies doing so little? What can I do to make a change?
We have come together in order to find an answer to these and other questions. The discussion night is an evening of listening and discussing, it is a moment for the sharing of insights and perspectives, but above all, it is an attempt at answering a couple of those questions for ourselves. The articles below are an account of these discussion nights. I hope that it may be a foothold for you, just like the discussions have been for us.

These internal discussion nights are organized by Arne Steemers, a member of the Energy Café committee.

Discussion night 2 – Trying to make a change

Discussion night 2 – Trying to make a change

On the previous discussion night, we set out to explore the question: why is mankind struggling with sustainability if we have all the knowledge, resources, and money needed for it? In this discussion night we continue where we left off, trying to find a way to real change.