On the 24th of November, the first edition of the Hypermile Challenge took place! Ten teams drove through the Netherlands in BMWs i3 in order to become the fastest and most efficient electric driver of the day, earning the title of Hypermiler 2018!
Ten teams took on the challenge, and the route of this first electrical rally of the Netherlands brought them past Brainport Eindhoven, across the deltaworks in Zeeland and over the Maasvlakte near Rotterdam..
The teams kept themselves warm with sweaters and scarves, so as not to use costly electricity for the heating, and they used several techniques to minimize the air resistance on their cars.
Are you interested in organising the Hypermile Challenge 2019? Or are you curious how the teams of 2018 experienced the Hypermile Challenge? Check out the posts on https://www.instagram.com/hypermilelife/
If you want more information on what it is like to organise the Hypermile Challenge, please send an email to info@team-energy.nl.